Lab 4 Blog

I noticed that Denes' code is clean and well structured. I forked Denes' repository. Then cloned the repository. Then I used the command 
git checkout -b issue-10
to  create a new branch. I added the option c. When the user types in 
`node ./ssg.js --config ./src/config/default_config.json`
a new output file will be generated in the directory out with the specific configuration that are provided in the file default_config.json. After completing the implentation. I used the command 
git add 
to add the files I made changes to. Then I use the command 
git commit -m ""
to commit the changes. Then I used the command 
git push --set-upstream origin issue-10
to push the changes. Then I added a pull request with the message "I Added support for configuration file (-c --config)." Then I used the command 
"git remote add dadolhay"
to get the forked repo. Then I used the command 
git fetch dadolhay 
to get the work into my local repo. The I used the command
git branch -a
to see all the branches I have locally. Then I used the command
git checkout dadolhay/issue-9
to switch into the forked repo. Then tested the code. Then I approved and merged the PR. Then I used the command 
git checkout main
to switch to the main branch. Then I used the command
git pull
to pull the latest changes.


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