Lab 3 Blog
I opened a new request issue to Add language support for Multi language. Issue#5 I also open a new request issue to add support for a horizontal rule in Markdown. Issue#6
Issue-5: When the user gives the option -l and the language and country. The language and country will be used in the string start part of html. I added a variable language for the language provided to my string start part of html. I added a condition to check if language is provided by the -l parameter if it is not provided I am using default language en-CA. If it is then I will add it as the language to be used. I added to the console log the language to be display to the user in the success message. I added a parameter in the processFile function to be used as the language in the object generateHtml. I also added a parameter in the processDir function to be used as the language when calling the function processFile if the full path is a file. I also added language in the generateHtml function when calling getStartHtml function.
Issue-6: In case processing files is markdown I added the logic calling the function processMD passing the data as the markdown text, and "---" for the pattern, and "<hr>" for the opening tag, I left the closing tag with an empty string as the bar tag is used every time "---" is found.
Issue-5: I created a new branch using the command
git checkout -b issue-5
I switched to the branch using the command
git checkout issue-5
I added the changes in runSsg.js. I commited the changes using the command
git commit -m ""
I used the command
git checkout main
to switch to the main branch. I then used the command
git merge issue-5
I did not get any merge conflicts.
Issue-6: I created a new branch using the command
git checkout -b issue-6
I switched to the branch using the command
git checkout issue-6
I added the changes in runSsg.js and I commited the changes. I used the command
git checkout main
to switch to the main branch. I then used
git merge issue-6
I did not get any merge conflicts.
I used the command
git push origin main
to push the changes to github.
I closed the issues on github.
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