Lab 6 Blog

Docusaurus is an open source project to manage documentation websites. This means anyone who creates a github account can contribute to the project.

To create a docusaurus project I ran the command 

npx create-docusaurus@latest text-ssg-tool-docs classic

Then I navigated to the project directory using the command

cd text-ssg-tool-docs

Then I ran the application using the command

npx docusaurus start

The feature I choose for my ssg project is full markdown support. I decided to choose this one, since I found out there are so many other character symbols that I was not supporting with my own implementation. I decided to use the library since it is there instead of reinventing the wheel. I came up with the initial plan of creating 2 new functions. They are processMDFile, and processTextFile, and only have the condition in the processFile checking if the file is either a markdown and call the corresponding function which is processMDFile, otherwise it will call the processTextFile function. My planning compared to the real work was manageable because I planned what I know is duable. I know that if something does not look right. I can always fix it later. The big picture is what is important to have done. My prototype takes a file and checks if it is markdown then converts markdown to html syntax, otherwise if it is not markdown my program takes the file and assumes it is a text file and converts it to html syntax. Moving forward I would like to add support for themes to make the project look nicer to the user.


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