
Showing posts from November, 2022

Lab 10 Blog

In this project, I used npm to publish my site by following the npm guide. npm guide  I created onLoad.js that prints the demo message. I installed my project using the command npm install text-ssg-tool Then I updated my package.json file to version 1.0.0 for the initial version release. Then I ran the command  npm publish  to publish the site to  npm.  Then I added the changes in git. Then commited the changes on git.   Then I pushed the changes on git. Then I followed the steps in my file to simulate someone else running and testing my program. I noticed a few mistakes in my file. I made the corrections  in my file. Then I reran the command  npm publish to republish the site to npm.  Then I added the changes in git. Then commited the changes on git.   Then I pushed the changes on git. Then I got a classmate to run and test my program. There was no issues. My partner had no issues at all with running and testing my program. Everything went flawlessl

Release 0.4 Planning

 For this project, I will be working on the Binari  open source project. In the  Binari  open source project, I will be working on adding test cases for react components. At the moment there is no effective way to test the code. Testing by a human is not effective and is time consuming and is error prone. JavaScript files with react components will have there own unit test cases testing for different scenarios.

Lab 9 Blog

In this project, I created my GitHub Actions Workflow by going under the actions tab and selecting Webpack for my workflow. Then I committed the webpack.yml file with the default value without changing anything. Then my workflow got executed, and everything was successful. I got the green checkmark for all builds. Then I created a bug. Then I added the changes in git. Then commit the changes on git. Then I pushed the changes. Then my workflow got executed, and the workflow failed on the build. Then I fixed the bug. Then I added the changes in git. Then commit the changes on git. Then I pushed the changes. Then my workflow got executed, and everything was successful.  My partner's testing setup had lint running right after any commit. Writing test cases for a project I did not create required time to understand how the code was working and why my test case was failing before making the modifications in the code to have the test case I created to be successful. PR:

Final reflection for release 0.3

 I did a code review in the telescope  project having a Russian Speaker review the Russian language.   issue: I did a code review in the  telescope  project checking button text on youtube and twitch form to check if text is displayed correctly.  issue:

Release 0.3 Internal Project blog

For my internal project, I worked in the open source vscode-seneca-college project. I found that file was not descriptive enough. There was also no file. This would be a problem for new contributers. There is nothing to tell them how to contribute to the project and how to install the required dependancies and how to test the project to see how it is working. Issue 8 I created my own fork. Then I cloned from my fork. I created a new branch using the command  git checkout -b issue-8 Then I ran the command  npm i to install the required dependancies into my project repo. Then I typed F5 to test the project. I tested to make sure I was getting the hello message as a prompt in a new vs-code window. A new window will pop up with a hello message. I am now in debugging mode. I can debug the code to find out what it is doing with the step forward step inward step out of buttons. Or I can press the red square to exit debugging mode. Then I added instructions in the R

Release 0.3 External Project blog

For my external project, I worked in the open source Binari project. I found that useEffect function should be in it's own custom hook with the implementation for getting contributors to make code more readable and possibly reusable. I implemented a custom hook, useGetContributors to extract implementation related to get contributors into the custom hook. Issue 25 I created my own fork. Then I cloned from my fork. I created a new branch using the command  git checkout -b issue-25 Then I ran the command  npm i to install the required dependancies into my project repo. Then I ran  npm run start to test the project. I tested to make sure the project was getting all the contributors on the about page. I created a custom hook and extracted implementation related to get contributors into the custom hook. The custom hook receives a URL as a parameter and fetches the data with url and reqOptions. Then useEffect will executed everytime when the URL change. The fetch data async arrow functi

Lab 8 Blog

In this project, I used jest as a unit testing framework, which Facebook created. It makes it easier to test UIs and javascript functions. It has features like a built-in assertion library, code coverage, and mocking. It is now a full set of tools that can be used for my JavaScript project. By running multiple test suites at the same time, Jest can speed up the testing process as a whole. I choose Jest as my testing framework because using mocking in test cases was important to me when testing functions, as it helped me to test values that are not real. To set up my project. First I ran the command  npm install to install all module dependancies.  Then I ran the command  npm install --save-dev jest to install the jest module as dev dependancies. Then I added the script "scripts": {  "test": "jest"  } I learned while writing my test cases that making test cases for each function was unnecessary. Some of my functions were calling other functions. Also, I rea