Lab 10 Blog
In this project, I used npm to publish my site by following the npm guide. npm guide I created onLoad.js that prints the demo message. I installed my project using the command npm install text-ssg-tool Then I updated my package.json file to version 1.0.0 for the initial version release. Then I ran the command npm publish to publish the site to npm. Then I added the changes in git. Then commited the changes on git. Then I pushed the changes on git. Then I followed the steps in my file to simulate someone else running and testing my program. I noticed a few mistakes in my file. I made the corrections in my file. Then I reran the command npm publish to republish the site to npm. Then I added the changes in git. Then commited the changes on git. Then I pushed the changes on git. Then I got a classmate to run and test my program. There was no issues. My partner had no issues at all wit...