
Showing posts from October, 2022

Octoberfest Week 4 Blog

For this week, I worked in the open source Binari project. I implemented the ability to adjust the size of the console, however the console is still fixed but can now be mover up and down with the mouse. Issue 69 I cloned the fork. I created a new branch using the command  git checkout -b issue-69 Then I ran the command  npm i to install the required dependancies into my project repo. Then I ran  npm run start to test the project. I found that the console was a fixed size and was not adjustable. I added a property hight to the gridContainer. I added splitLayout to the second gridItem. Then I ran npm run test to test the project. Then I added the changes in git. Then commited the changes on git. Then I pushed the changes. I created a new PR.  issue: PR:

Lab 6 Blog

Docusaurus is an open source project to manage documentation websites. This means anyone who creates a github account can contribute to the project. To create a docusaurus project I ran the command  npx create-docusaurus@latest text-ssg-tool-docs classic Then I navigated to the project directory using the command cd text-ssg-tool-docs Then I ran the application using the command npx docusaurus start The feature I choose for my ssg project is full markdown support. I decided to choose this one, since I found out there are so many other character symbols that I was not supporting with my own implementation. I decided to use the library since it is there instead of reinventing the wheel. I came up with the initial plan of creating 2 new functions. They are processMDFile , and processTextFile , and only have the condition in the processFile checking if the file is either a markdown and call the corresponding function which is processMDFile , otherwise it will call the processTextFile...

Octoberfest Week 3 Blog

For this week, I worked in the Telescope project from Seneca. I improved accessibly score on the homepage to 100% by making colour darker shade of grey to be visible for visually impaired people.  3734 I opened a new issue for improving google Lighthouse accessibly score. I had to first fork the project. I cloned the project. I created a new branch using the command  git checkout -b issue-3734   Then in the app directory  I ran the command  mnpm i to install the required dependancies into my project repo. Then  I ran  pnpm run dev and opened URL 'http://localhost:8000/' to run google lighthouse chrome browser plugin to get the accessibility score. Then I added the changes in git. Then commited the changes on git. Then I pushed the changes. I created a new PR.

Octoberfest Week 2 Blog

For this week, I worked in the open source md-page  project.  I fixed a bug where npm run test fails: 18 snapshots failed.  issue 60 I open a new issue npm run test fails: 18 snapshots failed. I had to first fork the project. I cloned the fork. I created a new branch using the command  git checkout -b issue-60   Then I ran the command   npm i to install the required dependancies into my project repo. Then  I ran  npm run test to test the project. I found that the command was giving me errors because test snapshots were not updated. I then ran the command  npm run test -- -u to update the test snapshots. Then I ran npm run test to test the project.   Then I added the changes in git. Then commited the changes on git. Then I pushed the changes. I created a new PR.  issue: PR:

Lab 5 Blog

For this week. I created a refactoring branch using the command git branch -b refactoring Then I added prittier to help take care of code formatting and eslint to take care of styling. Then I tested my code. Then I added the changes using the command git add <name of files> Then I commited the changes using the command git commit -m "added prittier to help take care of code formatting and eslint to take care of styling" Then I pushed the changes using the command git push Then I removed http-server package. Then I tested my code. Then I added the changes using the command git add <name of files> Then I commited the changes using the command git commit -m "removed http server" Then I pushed the changes using the command git push Then I applied prettier formating to all js files. Then I tested my code. Then I added the changes using the command git add <name of files> Then I commited the changes using the command git commit -m "applied prettier ...

Octoberfest Week 1 Blog

For this week, I worked in the Telescope project from Seneca. I added support for bulgarian language to the about page for Bulgarian speakers to being able to get a breaf understand of the Telescope project and how everything works. I open a new issue for supporting bulgarian language on the overview page. I had to first fork the project. I cloned the project. I created a new branch using the command  git checkout -b issue-3697   Then in the directory src/web/docusaurus/ I ran the command  mnpm i to install the required dependancies into my project repo. Then  I ran  npm run start and opened URL 'http://localhost:4631/docs/overview' to explore the about page and see how it looks. Then I created a new directory with subdirectories  bg/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs   with the I translated the overview page content in Bulgarian. I also added the bg option in the docusaurus.config.js file located in  src/web/docusaurus/

Lab 4 Blog

I noticed that Denes' code is clean and well structured. I forked Denes' repository. Then cloned the repository. Then I used the command  git checkout -b issue-10 to  create a new branch. I added the option c. When the user types in  `node ./ssg.js --config ./src/config/default_config.json` a new output file will be generated in the directory out with the specific configuration that are provided in the file default_config.json. After completing the implentation. I used the command  git add  to add the files I made changes to. Then I use the command  git commit -m "" to commit the changes. Then I used the command  git push --set-upstream origin issue-10 to push the changes. Then I added a pull request with the message " I Added support for configuration file (-c --config)." Then I used the command  " git remote add  dadolhay" to get the forked repo. Then I used the command  g...

Lab 3 Blog

I opened a new request issue to Add language support for Multi language. Issue#5 I also open a new request issue to add support for a horizontal rule in Markdown. Issue#6 Issue-5: When the user gives the option -l and the language and country. The language and country will be used in the string start part of html. I added a variable language for the language provided to my string start part of html. I added a condition to check if language is provided by the -l parameter if it is not provided I am using default language en-CA. If it is then I will add it as the language to be used. I added to the console log the language to be display to the user in the success message. I added a parameter in the processFile function to be used as the language in the object generateHtml. I also added a parameter in the processDir function to be used as the language when calling the function processFile if the full path is a file. I also added language in the generateHtml function when calling getSt...